Why Would Building Business Relations In Informal Setting Cause Such A Knee-Jerk Reaction???

We've always wondered why TfL bosses were so upset, being videoed having a meal outside Delfino's restaurant in Mount Street.  I...
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Pakistan: Malayalam film’s cast, crew sentenced to death under blasphemy laws

The defendants were given public defenders as lawyers but they refused to represent the defendants saying their conscience and love for Isl...
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Sexual Predators Pose As Uber Drivers To Attack Women, Police Say They Don't Know Why Rape Is Increasing In London.

ASSOCIATED PRESS SAID: Authorities say they are dealing with a string of sexual assault cases in which attackers pretend to be Uber driv...
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Canada: Ahmadiyya Muslim students aim to demystify Sharia Law

The organizers are heralding the event as a, “significant learning opportunity with a renowned speaker who is aware of issues around the po...
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Motivation the issue tonight

Will Spurs be motivated on a freezing Wembley night? Motivation is key for Tottenham tonight verses Rochdale Spurs report the g...
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