Recently I checked out The Red Roar, a site covering Labour-related issues, which was in reality doing little more than attempting to put the boot into anyone and everyone who was not opposed to Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership. The thought occurred at the time that this operation may have some link to the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines and his rabble at the Guido Fawkes blog. Now that thought has become a racing certainty.
The Red Roar’s latest outpourings are all that The Great Guido might have wished for: “Student Trotbusters”, “SWP Links”, anti-Semitism allegations, Labour NEC election claims - note that, like the Fawkes massive, The Red Roar missed Jon Lansman bowing out of the contest - kicking Momentum, and accusing Left New Media sites of spreading conspiracy theories. It’s not about Labour, it’s about Labour bashing.
It’s almost as if the Fawkes blog had farmed out the hatchet jobs on Left New Media to someone else - with one addition, the use of the fictitious term “Alt-Left”. There is, as any fule kno, no such thing as the “Alt-Left” - it’s a term coined by right wingers to suggest that the Alt-Right, which most certainly does exist, is just part of some political equivalence, and that those Rotten Lefties (tm) are equally bad. Oh what a giveaway!
And as if that were not enough of a sign that this is not a site Of The Left, but merely one that is sounding off about it, the Fawkes rabble has started endorsing The Red Roar, and not merely occasionally. A notable example is the sneering at LabourList for allowing Diane Abbott to be guest editor, which is held to be a move to the left (?). The post tells “The only up and coming Labour leaning site that doesn’t support Corbyn is Red Roar”.
Note that a shit-stirring site kicking the Labour leadership is being pushed as “an up and coming Labour leaning site”. Like heck it is. Another endorsement from The Great Guido is where the Fawkes rabble reinvent the deselection of Robin Wales as Mayor of Newham as “Momentum have deselected Labour’s moderate Mayor”. This is the usual bullshit, as Tom Copley AM has had to point out. And guess what? “Red Roar has the numbers”.
The Red Roar also gets one of those prized mentions in the Fawkes “Seen Elsewhere”, probably the major source of clicks to sites like the desperately dull Conservative Woman, which would be in dire straits without them. Expect the site to get more of those in future, as it ramps up its attacks on the Labour leadership and tries to find Momentum reds under each and every bed. And that means only one thing.
The Great Guido and The Red Roar are linked - maybe deniably, but linked they are. Attacking Left New Media using terms that would never be used by anyone to the left of the Tory right is just one giveaway of many. Being used by the Fawkes rabble as part of its attack-dog approach is another. If it walks like a Fawkes operation, quacks like a Fawkes operation, and smears like a Fawkes operation, it might just be a Fawkes operation.
All that is left now is for clueless Tory MPs and their pals in the Pundit Establishment to start quoting The Red Roar in the same reverent way they quote the Fawkes blog.
The Red Roar is a Fawking cuckoo. So don’t let it into your nest, Labour people.
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