Recognised as the first recurring comic strip character, Ally Sloper was created in 1867 by Charles H. Ross and his wife Emile de Tessier (under the pseudonym Marie Duval) for the magazine Judy. The character later graduated to his own weekly publication in 1884 called Ally Sloper's Half Holiday, and acquired a new artist in William Baxter. When Baxter died in 1888, W. Fletcher Thomas took over until the end of the 19th Century, superseded by C.H. Chapman, who drew it until the closure of the comic in 1916.
Like most early British comics, Ally Sloper's Half Holiday was aimed at adults. The publication was full of social satire and humourous commentary, cartoons and short strips. (The closest equivalent today would be Private Eye.) Ally became hugely popular in the UK, with three films (long since lost) and various items of merchandise based on his likeness, including jugs, tobacco jars, pipes, candlesticks, cast iron doorstops, and more. The items are very collectable today. Here's a few photographs of some of them currently on offer on eBay for example...
Match case. |
Ally Sloper jug. |
Tobacco jar. |
Door stops. |
Ally Sloper lives again! A character too important to the history of comics to leave in limbo forever!
Just for fun, I had an attempt at drawing Ally Sloper myself a few weeks ago...
My thanks to Garen Ewing for bringing the news of digitised Slopers to my attention. (Garen's a long-established comics artist himself and you can check out his work at his site here: )
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