Contempt - Court Warns Katie Hopkins

Now constrained by the need to have someone else pay her travel expenses, pro-am motormouth and full-time bigot Katie Hopkins has had to lower her expectations of where her alleged investigations will take her. So it was that she was reduced to scouring her local area for stories about which she could rouse the mob, only for the authorities to see her coming and warn her off opening her mouth too loudly.
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Hatey Katie has decided to try her hand at court reporting, the activity that has caused so much trouble for her hero Stephen Yaxlay Lennon, who styles himself Tommy Robinson. Still, she knew that a teenager accused of rape and attempted murder of a young girl was in court this morning, and so decided to involve herself in the case 

Here in court for all our daughters. The ten year old little girl was carried back to her mum, after her rape and attempted murder in broad daylight on her way home from school #standstrong for our girls” she told. Sky News had previously reportedA teenage boy has been charged with the rape and attempted murder of a 10-year-old girl in Exmouth … The 16-year-old is due to appear before Exeter Youth Court on Monday”.
So it was that she rocked up at Exeter Magistrates’ Court and later posted this Tweet, with the video taken from what appears to be just outside the court precincts (very wise): “At Exeter Magistrates Court - a 16 year old has been formally charged with the rape AND attempted murder of a TEN year old girl in broad daylight in a town nearby. #Standstrong for our daughters - more from court later”. But no more has come.

Why that might be has been strongly hinted at in a report by freesheet Metro, which tells readersThe boy cannot be named because of his age. Police warned people against naming him on social media saying: ‘Anyone who is alleged to be a victim of a sexual crime are automatically granted anonymity for life, regardless of their age and regardless of the outcome of any subsequent criminal trial’”. There was more.
Any suspect under the age of 18 is also by law not allowed to be identified. ‘These rules are not solely for media organisations to adhere to, they also apply to members of the public and includes information posted via social media [my emphasis] … This may be seen as interfering with a live investigation and an active criminal trial, and therefore could see those who do not adhere, found in contempt of court”.

Wonder who they could have meant? It was almost as if they had been looking at Ms Hopkins’ Twitter replies when the cops added “We therefore remind the public that it is vital they do not speculate on the identity of either the victim of the suspect in this case.” Speculation is most of the responses to those two Tweets. Many urge Hatey Katie to name the suspect, or at least his ethnic origin. Some discuss summary justice.
But unlike Lennon, Ms Hopkins appears to have taken the hint; after all, it was not so much whispered in her ear, as administered with a dirty great club.

They saw Katie Hopkins coming this morning. And they won’t be taking any shit from her.
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