The UCG aleady refuse to meet with TfL as engagement policy was shown to be a it not time the RMT,LCDC, LTDA and Unite followed the UCG lead?
Thursday 7th Feb, both London Mayor Sadiq Khan and TfL commissioner Mike Brown, face questions from the General London Assembly (GLA), over transport issues.
The London Cab Drivers Club (LCDC) have submitted questions to assembly members to be asked on our behalf. Strangely quiet from Woodfield Road.
It hasn’t gone unnoticed that Mike Brown has avoided many meetings with the London Taxi Trade and has also stopped answering questions out to him in emails.
One of the questions Mike Brown has repeatedly avoided answering is : Has TFL ever done a Health and Safety risk assessment on Uber’s mode of operations....
We have been reliably informed that drivers have asked this question many times by email, yet the commissioner has failed to answer or make a statement.
One thing TfL did say was, if you don’t like what we are doing, then take us to court....
And that’s exactly what UTAG are going to do.
But to do this, they need your financial help.
Please use the UTAG link in the right hand column, to support the group that’s fighting on your behalf, United Trade Action Group.
Watch David Kurten's questions to the Mayor and Mike Brown.
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