Donald Tusk Flushes Out The Guilty Men

They claimed all along that they had a plan for Brexit. They lied. They knew they lied. Their press cheerleaders knew they lied. And, worst of all, those with whom Britain had to negotiate a deal with the EU knew they lied.  Now European Council President Donald Tusk has called them out for not having a plan. And like so many guilty little schoolboys, out they have all come to bawl that the Rotten Foreigner™ is being nasty to them.
Tusk, however, did not name names when he said in Brussels this morning “I’ve been wondering what that special place in hell looks like, for those who promoted Brexit, without even a sketch of a plan how to carry it out safely”. Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, with whom Tusk had been holding a press conference, told him “They'll give you terrible trouble in the British press for that”. So they did. Because the press didn’t have a plan, either.

The one who had a plan was Tusk: there is no way that he would have made that statement without it being carefully considered and rehearsed. So who took the bait? Who did a Pavlov and owned up to not having a plan for Brexit, and by clear inference leading their country into shit creek merely for personal aggrandisement?

The Sun newspaper moanedSNEERING Donald Tusk … lost his rag today … top Eurocrat caused uproar”. Because the Murdoch mafiosi DIDN’T HAVE A PLAN.

The Daily Mail thunderedDonald Tusk poured petrol on the Brexit negotiations today as he raged”. Because the inmates of the Northcliffe House bunker DIDN’T HAVE A PLAN.

Former UKIP Oberscheissenführer Nigel “Thirsty” Farage moaned “After Brexit we will be free of unelected, arrogant bullies like you and run our own country. Sounds more like heaven to me”. Because this utter Mountebank DIDN’T HAVE A PLAN.

As the BBC has reported, “Commons leader Andrea Leadsom, who also campaigned for Britain's exit from the EU, said Mr Tusk's comments were ‘extremely regrettable’ and ‘not at all helpful … The man has no manners,’ the Conservative minster told the BBC's Politics Live”. Because this over-promoted nonentity DIDN’T HAVE A PLAN.
Oh, and “The Democratic Unionist Party's Brexit spokesman Sammy Wilson said: ‘This devilish Euro maniac is doing his best to keep the United Kingdom bound by the chains of EU bureaucracy and control’”. Hell and damnation! No popery! No! No! No! Not an inch! No! Never! Because this antediluvian bigot DIDN’T HAVE A PLAN.

Tory MP Andrea Jenkyns, not known for inhabiting the real world, wibbled “Mr Tusk, we have a plan! We are not restricted in our Little EU'er mentality … Bring on Global Britain, we will embrace Global Free trade. Whilst you will continue to see the inflexible EU trading bloc in collective, perpetual decline”. Which means she DIDN’T HAVE A PLAN.

Tory wide boy Grant “Spiv” Shapps added “By saying ‘there is a special place in hell for those who promoted #Brexit without any plan for how to carry it [out]’, you appear to be actively trying to wind everyone up & even deliberately foil securing a #WithdrawalAgreement”. No, brainbox, he’s showing that you DIDN’T HAVE A PLAN.

What this shower of pretend politicians has told the world is that not only is each and every one of them too stupid to see that they have volunteered themselves as guilty men and women, but more importantly that they are somehow proud of urging their country to leave the EU - but without having any plan as to how to achieve that goal.

Every one of those mentioned has admitted that they were, and indeed still are, prepared to screw with hundreds of thousands of jobs, and yet more livelihoods, just to play their political games, to follow their blind ideology and hang the consequences.

Well, some of us do care about those hundreds of thousands of jobs, and right now I have only one thing to say to the Murdoch press, the Rothermere press, Nigel Farage, Andrea Leadsom, Sammy Wilson, Andrea Jenkyns, Grant Shapps and the rest. Damn you. Damn you every last one of you. Damn you and damn all who sail in you.

You all just admitted that you played games with the futures of millions of Britons, as if this were some kind of party game. Well, it damn well isn’t. Damn you all to hell.
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