The Thin Edge of the wedge.

Last nights Evening Standard (page 27) States more bans for cars (and taxis) around Bank Junction which will ban traffic At All Times from half the roads feeding Bank Junction.

The City of London Corporation has stopped short of a total vehicle ban but wants to restrict two or three arms of the six streets which enter Bank junction to ultimately pave over Threadneedle Street for a street market!

Chris hayward, Planning & Transportation Committee Chairman uses the usual derived data from unaccounted sources stating predestrian usage has risen in recent years, he also cosy's up to utopian agendarists like Fran Graham Campaigns Coordinator London Cycling Campaign and Joe Irvin Chief Executive of Living Streets (what do these people actually do to pay their mortgages?)

The whole situation at bank junction has riden roughshod over London Citizens rights of passage, Londoners of all walks of life who rely on simple direct A to B Jouneys to make their working or Disabled lives easier and are being denied the simplist of daily efficiencies for the agenderist brigades poppycock notions.

Every Cyclist who is killed or Injured on Londons streets (or enywhere else come to think of it) is a tragedy and lessons must always be learned by educating the motorist and the cycling fraternity but banning one over the other is completely discriminatory however you want to plan it, particularly when all the statistics the agendarists claim to hold none of them use London Taxis as a direct descript of cycle injuries of fatalities yet we still get the boot whatever.

Ying Tao was the Cyclist tragically killed at Bank junction by a Left turning HGV in 2015, and the Corporation of London uses updated statistics stating casulties have fallen by 52% at this junction and by 33% in the wider area which presumably gives the COL pen pushers a big pat on the back and further licence to decimate more of the cities streets for street markets and maybe even maypole dancing in the summertime....yeh right get real!

Sadly, we are all witnessing the brexit fiasco and however you voted (I voted leave) it cannot be better underlined how poor our joined up thinking opererates when beyond the businesses who just want uncertainties to end politicians fight with each other like cats in a sack and this compares with so many overseas city passengers in my cab who daily have to suffer traffic bottled up by the agenderists road closures who blame HGV's for cyclists deaths but punish eveyone for good measure including us?

London Taxis are part of Londons transport infastructure whatever the Mayor or the over paid transport cronies think and we should be treated with the service and expertise our supply reflects to all its passengers abled or not, and if the cycling or street market brigades really wish to improve our city, try choosing more tranquil locations or designated routing away from vehicular confrontation as there are so many derivatives to choose from.

No, it seems they have chosen a deliberate collision course of disruptive routing to pierce the heart of Londons traffic flow and I say it again HGV and larger Vehicles Ironcally including buses are the biggest reason by far for collisions involving cyclists and predestrians and it is those vehicles that need prohibition not Taxis.

It was the Government and GLC which mistakenly now removed trams and Trollybuses from our streets way back when and those vehicles were zero emission, I bet they wish we still had them now.... road fatalities or not which underlines the point that they DO make mistakes in the planing strategies just as I see the making them today as we sit emission filled traffic jams.

Be Lucky


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