UK: Wolverhampton Ahmadiyya Muslims to hold open house at Baitul Atta Mosque

Those wishing to attend can email or turn with good intention to learn and share our values by visiting the websites below.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: AMA Wolverhampton
By Press Release | February 9, 2019

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Wolverhampton Branch UK will open mosque doors to welcome local public.

As a part of the community's relentless efforts to unite people at large and remove misconceptions portrayed -- unfortunately sometimes by Muslims themselves -- and negative media reports about Islam, the community shall provide detailed responses to all those nagging tough questions that no one really explains.

The open house is scheduled for Sunday, March 3, 2019 from 11:30am to 3:30pm at Baitul Atta Mosque.

Mr Annsar Ahmad, local president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association Wolverhampton Branch said some of the topics covered will be:

·       Is there any punishment for apostasy in Islam
·       What are the Ahmadiyya Muslims doing to tackle hate crime and extremism
·       How the young people are being drawn into hatred and extremism (i.e. Knife Crime & Radicalization)
·       Is there punishment for blasphemy in Islam
·       Are women inferior to men in Islam
·       What is Jihad? Or Obedience to the law of the land?                           

Those wishing to attend can email or turn with good intention to learn and share our values by visiting the websites below:

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community works with local communities to keep you safe.

Twitter: @True_IslamUK

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