Perspective: Tillerson’s fallacies | Talat Farooq

As for democratic India’s ‘respect’ for Pakistani sovereignty, all Tillerson has to do is listen to some of Modi’s 2015 speeches in which he acknowledged the Indian government’s active interference in the events of 1971 that dismembered Pakistan.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | Int'l Desk
Source/Credit: The News
By Talat Farooq | October 29, 2017

Rex Tillerson’s visit to Pakistan and Islamabad’s response are more of the same and will remain so as long as their divergent national security goals are in place. What is far more interesting to analyse is Secretary Tillerson’s speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington last week.

In his speech, Tillerson articulated a fervent plea for closer US-India relations while casting China as a threat to the global order and asking Pakistan to “do more’’ in fighting terrorism. He claimed that unlike rising China – which has, at times “undermined the international rules-based order’’ – rising India operates “within a framework that protects other nations’ sovereignty”.

Now, this is not quite as unflawed an argument as Tillerson would have us believe. It is always wise for someone of his stature to check the story before making absolute claims. As it happens, New Delhi doesn’t have the benign Tillersonian image in its neighbourhood and many among the local populations subscribe to a different narrative.
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