USA: Catholics, Muslims join to pray, eat together in Chino

Imam Irshad Malhi chanted verses of the Koran while men and women prostrated themselves in prayer with their foreheads to the ground.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: The Chino Champian
By Marianne Napoles | January 27, 2018

A show of unity was expressed between the Catholic and Muslim communities Sunday night when they broke bread and prayed in the parish hall at St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church in Chino.

By the end of the evening, the ice had broken and the two faith groups joined hands in a prayer circle around the perimeter of the hall and sang the hymn version of the Prayer of St. Francis.

Holding a rosary, Pastor Michael Miller opened the event by welcoming Muslims from the Baitul Hameed Mosque in Chino and asking them to conduct their Sunday evening prayers on rugs laid out in the parish hall.

“We are happy to host a dinner to honor you and your work here in building up a more just and merciful Chino and California Inland Empire,” Fr. Miller said.
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