TfL are now consulting on the next stage of the Mayor, Sadiq Khan’s plan to help tackle London’s toxic air pollution, which contributes to thousands of early deaths in our city each year. Although if he was serious about Londoners health, he would be removing the congestion causing CSH segregated cycle lanes and not expanding the program!
You can have your say (all though it won't make a blind bit of difference as they've already made their minds up, but it looks good on paper)
From 8 April 2019, the Mayor is (not may, subject to consultation) introducing the Ultra Low Emission Zone in central London, replacing the T-Charge with an even tighter emission standards for diesel vehicles. There will also be new Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle (PHV) licencing requirements from 2018. It's all about the money.....follow the money!
TfL are not consulting on the Taxi and private hire licensing requirements, announced by the Mayor earlier this year. At least they're honest here....your opinion not welcome.
To help reduce toxic emissions in London caused by congestion as a direct result of the segregated cycle lanes, the Mayor is also now proposing to:
• Extend tighter emissions standards to the whole of London for lorries, buses and other heavy goods vehicles only in 2020
• Expand the ULEZ for all vehicles including cars, vans, motorbikes and minibuses up to the North and South circular roads in 2021
This will affect electric Taxis use of their petrol generator which tips up battery power!
Plus hybrids are no longer seen as clean vehicles and will be charged accordingly !
This consultation ends on 28 February 2018, although TfL and the Mayor have already made their minds up what they are going to do!
As with all their other consultations, this one will make no difference to their current plans.
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