Milo Yiannopoulos Leaving UK For Good

Right now, cheering news is thin on the ground. Little in the news today is going to put a smile on anyone’s face, given the state of the country and its economy, and the towering selfishness and ineptitude of our Government. But one idiot in the far-right village has decided to raise the spirits of all by announcing his intention to make one great futile gesture on behalf of Himself Personally Now.
That idiot is stony broke has-been Milo Yiannopoulos, who has told FrontPage Magazine, which by complete coincidence is a publication of the Islamophobic US right wing, “Why I’m Seeking Asylum In America … As a gay conservative in public life, I don’t feel safe in an Islamized Britain anymore”. Britain got Islamised? I blinked and missed it.

Yiannopoulos starts as he means to go on - by talking well, but lying badly. “In 2015, I wrote the column that secured my place in the pantheon of Right-wing hate figures: ‘I’m A Gay Man And Mass Muslim Immigration Terrifies Me.’ Shortly afterwards, I left London, disturbed by the state of my capital city and hoping that with a megaphone in America I could sound the alarm about European Islamization”. Bullshit.
He’s not important enough to be part of any “pantheon”, and the reason he left London was to pursue the meal ticket secured through Steve Bannon’s promotion of his dubious talents. But do go on. “Although I have since married an American citizen, and am therefore eligible for a green card, I am applying for asylum in the United States. It’s the only way to be sure I never have to return to a country with so many citizens eager to see me imprisoned or dead”. Nobody in the UK cares. Because he’s a nobody.

But to try and stir up some reaction, he invents a little more. “I have friends … who have been assaulted by Bangladeshis in public parks because Muslims hate dogs and lose their shit if your pooch takes a crap outside [no citation] … In east London, you can’t buy alcohol after a certain time in many liquor stores because the Muslim minority, which is disproportionately unemployed and living in ‘affordable housing’ paid for by the taxpayer, whip up letter-writing campaigns to make life difficult for anyone selling booze”.

No citation there, either - because he is making it up. And on he drones: “Muslims with extreme, hateful views about gays and horrible opinions about women would be an irritant and not a menace but for the fact that they are routinely insulated from criticism by a politically-correct media elite that scoffs whenever you mention the appalling social problems that spring up, as night follows day, whenever the area hits a certain percentage of Islamic residents”. Just what FrontPage Magazine wanted. But untrue. Minor point, eh?
And on he rambles, spinning yarns about Sharia “Courts” and parallel justice systems (there aren’t any of the latter). He even manages to slip in “I can’t wait around for the heroic Tommy Robinson to topple the government and his army of brave lads to shut the borders themselves”. Grifters are reinvented as “heroic”. How quaint.

But, apart from the paycheque - after all, Yiannopoulos needs a constant drip-feed of someone else’s money, if only to pay the lawyer who told him he had a good case for an asylum claim - this article is just a crock of crap. He wants to stay in the USA, fine.

They can pay for him, then. Ah, but there was always going to be a catch.
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