When Your Back's Against The Wall, Stand Beside Drivers With The Dunkirk Spirit, Not Vichy Collaborators.

The trade is now more fragmented than any time in our past history. Our current orgs have recently tried to put their differences behind them, but it didn’t take long for the back stabbing knives to come out. It appears our largest org are seemingly fearful of doing or supporting anything that goes against TfL. 

When the groups recently asked for all meetings with TfL to be minuted, both the LTDA and Unite voted against this.... what is it they are scared of their members finding out?
Is it what they’ve said, or what they’ve not said? 

The trouble is they appear to have a strangle hold over the majority of drivers who bother to belong to a representative group. 
Who would have thought that drivers who fought so hard, over 3-4 years to become Cabbies, could be simply bought off with legal cover and a free diary!

But the tide is turning as more and more orange lanyards attend Parliament...

That’s why umbrella groups such as the ITA and UTAG are so important.

Drivers can unite irrespective of the trade politics that have always held us back. 

In the past, we’ve learned that the word of a certain org can't be trusted. Waiting and seeing and Mike Brown’s on side did the same for us at the Bank Junction, as the iceberg did for the Titanic.
It’s a lesson to be learned and no matter how sweet an offer looks, we must never make the same mistake again. 

The Independent Taxi Alliance is exactly that....an alliance of drivers, independent of any org and completely driver led. As we've been told on many occasions, it doesn't matter what colour your lanyard, it's only the badge on the end of it that really matters. 

Why wait till it’s too late...come along and speak to the drivers taking part in the protests in Parliament Square.... be proactive not reactive, the time for waiting and seeing is well and truly over. 

Our largest org doesn’t support our direct action, in fact they've referred to protesters as 'Loonies'. Don’t let one man’s collaborating agenda destroy our trade, plus be aware of his trolls spreading fake news and lies over social media.

"We have. No intention of selling, stop telling lies", they said, but now the truth is out. The next biggest lie is that drivers are being victimised for not sporting blue dots given out to drivers wanting to attend the protests. This again is fake news.... The blue dots were instigated at the request of the Met, to be able to recognise drivers wanting to join the protests at entry points accessing Tottenham Court Road, then Parliament Square. As soon as an officer spots the blue dot, he should remove cones and allow access. This saves time interviewing and redirecting non-combatants. 
Being peelable, the dots can be removed after the protest and reattached for the next. 

Positive Action, Positive Impact.
Our actions are having a massive impact on the bus companies and Monday’s protest is crucial. TfL are putting pressure on the Met, as so many routes are affected. 

Having completed a record breaking 21 protests over the last 6 weeks, we can't rest on our laurels. It's time to escalate the action. With enough attendees, we could hit two or even three venues at the same time.

But on the other hand,if the protests dissipate, it's very unlikely we will ever see anything like this again. 
It will be a case of just watching our historic trade disappear before our very eyes, destroyed by TfL’s ‘Project Horizon’.

I hear drivers argue at eateries saying "there will always be a Taxi trade", it reminds me of what the miners thought back in the Thatcher days".
We are very close to achieving our aims. The ITA through a supporting org Chairman, have met with members from both Houses of Parliament who have shown great support. Plus disabled groups have turned out to show support.

 Read this piece below, the London taxi trade should try to look upon the blue dot protestors as the Americans looked upon the British Tommy during the war.
When your back is against the wall, you want to stand shoulder to shoulder with troops full of the Dunkirk spirit, not Vichy collaborators.


In six weeks I have not spoken to a member of the public who has been against what we are highlighting. The licensed cab trade will not stand back and allow autocratic authorities to stamp over a hard working, tax paying, law abiding work force.

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