Why Didn't The Mail Print The Whole Story ?

Why are the Mail refusing to go after a former Mayor and the Directors of TfL who allowed a company that was not fit for purpose to be Licensed by former and present TfL employees?

In an article written by James Titcomb, and published in the Telegraph back in October 2015, Mayor Boris Johnson admits openly that Uber drivers are breaking the law. 

Why didn't TfL revoke the operators licence immediately?

Boris Johnson has claimed that Uber drivers are breaking the law “in lots of minor ways”, to the extent that London’s authorities are unable to keep up. 

The Mayor of London said the minicab app’s drivers are consistently violating laws on loitering and plying for hire, as well as being responsible for “aggravating” the level of traffic in the capital. 

Boris said this in the article and sat back and did nothing.

TfL knew Boris had said this....and then as regulator, sat back and did nothing. 

In a game of smoke and mirrors, TfL help a consultation and announced they were going to introduce 25 tougher regulations. 

To this day they have done nothing other than relaxed regulations to make it easier for uber to operate. 

Read the whole article here : 


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