Perspective: A Muslim Response to Manchester | Zohaib Zafar

The Trump administration is helping a vicious cycle of violence to continue that can be stopped if a change takes place from investing in weapons to investing in education in the Middle East. 

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: BeleifNet
By Zohaib Zafar | May 29, 2017

On Monday, ISIL claimed responsibility for another terrorist attack, this time in the great city of Manchester, England. We do not know for sure if so called Muslims committed this terrorist attack but we should condemn all terrorist attacks no matter who orchestrates them and those who believe in the power of prayer should pray for peace and justice. We must also pray for the victims and their families. Everyone though must also do their part to help stop these terrorist attacks from occurring in the first place.

While terrorism has no religion, unfortunately, this past week has probably taken us in the opposite direction than the direction we intend to be taking in order to counter extremism. President Trump gave an important speech this past Sunday in Saudi Arabia. Although, many praised his speech, the speech will result in more harm than good.
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