Perspective: Trump comforted dictators in Riyadh | Siddique Malik

The Saudis cleverly used the summit to turn the issue of Sunni terrorism into a Shia-Sunni conflict, making themselves look like heroes and Iran as the culprit and using Trump, a self-declared champion of deal-making, as a gullible fool who sanctified the trick.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: Courier-Journal
By Siddique Malik | May 30, 2017

Saudi Arabia called it an "Arab Islamic American summit." But the May 21 gathering in Riyadh looked more like an orgy of dictatorship, sectarianism, jingoism and hypocrisy. President Trump, the leader of the free world, joined in, rubbing shoulders with brutal dictators. Instead of upholding human rights, he indirectly told these dictator-gangsters that they were free to continue to suppress their people. This statement constitutes a stab in the back of pro-democracy movements and would undermine the cause of freedom and thus America's interests, worldwide.

One of the goals of the "so-called" summit was to devise a plan to curb Islamic terrorism. But none of the attendees mentioned the decades-long role Saudi Arabia played in fomenting Sunni terrorism. The Wahhabi-Salafi oligarchy continues to behave like a cult of death.
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