The Brexit negotiations appear stalled. More and more MPs, and not just those in the Labour Party, are coming round to the idea that a “no deal” outcome would be bad for Britain, so bad that even if they’re Tories, they could conceivably end up either not voting for that, or even voting against it. With Theresa May enjoying the slimmest of majorities, and then only with DUP support, nerves are starting to fray.
Nowhere can this be seen to greater advantage than in the world inhabited by (yes, it’s her again) Mid Bedfordshire’s representative Nadine Dorries, whose detachment from reality and tendency to say things that are not true are legion. Ms Dorries has been reading the latest outpourings of Conservative Home and taking it as immutable truth, rather than the passing of opinion which may or may not prove true in future.
Here, it is asserted “that provision for this outcome [no deal] was written into the manifesto on which every Conservative MP stood. (‘The negotiations will undoubtedly be tough, and there will be give and take on both sides, but we continue to believe that no deal is better than a bad deal for the UK’)”. That’s a bit of a stretch - what the manifesto doesn’t say is what will be done in the event of no deal being reached.
But the fragrant Nadine knows that this is not only bankable truth, but that those lining up against such an outcome are guilty of the gravest treachery. “Shame on colleagues who've joined forces with terrorist sympathisers. If they vote against Gov; their whip should be removed permanently” she blustered. Who may these “terrorist sympathisers” be? Would this be another of those routine defamations of the Labour Party?
Moreover, she’s got a nerve to demand others have the whip withdrawn, after her high profile excursion into that territory herself - she went off to Australia to pretend she was a celebrity and spend a few days eating intimate parts of ostriches. But this was only a small part of her hypocrisy: Ms Dorries appears to have forgotten who that small group of DUP MPs propping up her beloved Tories actually represent.
As the Irish News has previously told, “The DUP party has been criticised in the past for sharing platforms with representatives of loyalist paramilitaries … In 1996, former MP Rev William McCrea stood at a Portadown rally alongside LVF leader Billy Wright … The ruthless paramilitary group, which split from the UVF in 1996, was responsible for high-profile murders including the killing of Catholic taxi driver Michael McGoldrick”.
There was more. “The father of the DUP's Emma Little Pengelly, who has just won the South Belfast seat, is Noel Little, a Co Armagh loyalist and founder of Ulster Resistance … Little was one of three men arrested in Paris in 1989 in connection with a plot to exchange a missile stolen from Shorts for South African guns”. Oh dear, Ms Dorries!
Perhaps she should have taken the advice in one of her earlier Tweets: “Deleted last tweet - possibility that I may have missed it. Sure I must have blinked at some point”. Missed that she has no room to call “terrorist sympathisers” on anyone. Because she and her pals are in bed with terrorist sympathisers.
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