Australia: Coffee, and a conversation with Islam

"I live in Australia. I have freedom of religion. I’m actively following my sharia without any sort of contradiction with the state at all."

Photo: Andrea Maltman / HuffPost
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | AU Desk
Source/Credit: The Huffington Post
By Andrea Maltman | November 7, 2017

Imagine, one hazy spring Saturday, a voice stops you in your tracks. “Excuse me,” it says politely. “Would you like to join us in rejecting terror?”

You probably stop. A) because this question subverts the idea that Muslims never condemn terrorism.

And B) well, ... who’s going to say no to that?

So it is that, a few weeks later, I attend a Coffee and Islam sitting arranged by Muslims Down Under. They are an outreach organisation sponsored by the Ahmadiyya community. Inspired by the US outfit True Islam, they’re inviting locals to ask burning questions about Islam in a climate where Pauline Hanson exists and almost 45% of Australians, as surveyed in a recent ANUPoll, say they worry about being victims of extremism.
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