The sensitive soul that is Stephen Yaxley Lennon, who styles himself Tommy Robinson, has reacted badly to being given free publicity by a newspaper with an agenda closer to his than any other title in the mainstream press. The Express, also known as the Daily UKIP, has told readers “Hundreds of far right supporters gather in Manchester for Tommy Robinson book launch”, under the by-line of Ross Noble.
Stephen Yaxley Lennon aka Tommy Robinson
“Despite a counter demonstration by anti-fascist protest, the event appears to have passed relatively peacefully … Robinson, real name Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, was promoting his new book Mohammed's Koran, in which, according to the author, he ‘explains why Muslims kill for Islam’ … A large crowd gathered at the Castlefield Arena, an outdoor performance space in Rice Street, to hear the EDL founder speak and buy copies of the book … Around 50 police officers were present to oversee the event” it continues.
So what is the problem with that? Lennon and his book get a plug in a mass-market tabloid newspaper - it should help sales and raise awareness. But no, The Great Man has signalled that Noble has incurred his displeasure by being insufficiently fawning. Moreover, he considers that Noble has lied about him (he hasn’t - he’s expressed his opinion).
Hence his taking to Facebook to tell his followers “The lying so called journalist ‘Ross Logan’ who wrote the article in the Express calling each and every one of you far right fanatics for being concerned about your country and the level of violence and murder that is being committed in the name of Islam lives in [redacted] in Surrey. According to the last census there were only 386 Muslims that live there!!” And there was more.
“Turning his nose up at us whilst living in a predominantly white area with hardly a Muslim in sight. What a wanker, I predict a troll watch”. That last is Lennon’s excuse for violating others’ privacy. Worse, he deliberately identified a small area of Surrey, suggesting he has, once more, obtained someone’s address with the intent of threatening them.
This behaviour is not acceptable
As Zelo Street regulars will know, Lennon fetched up in Crewe to threaten me - on two consecutive nights, the second visit featuring the creepy and stalkerish training of a video camera on the front bedroom from his car outside on the street - and this resulted in a series of threatening emails and social media abuse from his followers.
Lennon is also standing in a very draughty glasshouse in his excuse for doorstepping Noble: in the area where he lives - which is known to me but will not be identified, because some of us don’t do that sort of thing - the Muslim population at the last census did not get into double figures, let alone into the hundreds. And no, he doesn’t live in Luton, as he told that BBC film crew. Yes, he lied about that - minor point, eh?
Meanwhile, I would recommend to Ross Noble that he informs the local Police and ensures they have Lennon’s name, copies of the Facebook and any other posts he has made on this subject, and the information that Lennon is the subject of a suspended prison sentence as a result of his recent exploits at Canterbury Crown Court.
Threats and incitement have no place in civilised discourse. That is all.
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