It is critical we gain knowledge and diversify our religious perspective of the ample role Jesus has played in not only Christianity, but also in the entwinement of the three predominant religions in this world.
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: The Connections
By Sabiha Basit | January 13, 2018
The religious concept of Jesus in these historical religions is broad
Jesus is unequivocally the central theme of the Christian faith, with an astonishing two billion followers and counting. There is no doubt Jesus has captured the hearts of God fearing people, by initiating hope and peace through his admirable teachings and practices. However, many fail to realize the utmost role Jesus plays in also Islam and Judaism. Although these two faiths do not celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the presence of immense respect and values continue to surround this spectacular, historical being for thousands of years. As a result, it is critical we gain knowledge and diversify our religious perspective of the ample role Jesus has played in not only Christianity, but also in the entwinement of the three predominant religions in this world.
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