West London Locals and Businesses Say No To Cycle Super Highway CS9

After a highly engaged with, poll plus much publicity about the devastation to local businesses, we can finally announce the results for the consultation on the implementation of the CS9 cycle highway western extension. 

The poll was very simple and asked readers, "Should the Cycle Super Highway be built," referring to, of course, the contentious CS9.

Here is the breakdown of answers, they are as follow:

An overwhelming 73% (6535) of respondents answered "no" and only 14% (1296) said yes. 
However, yet another 13% (1151) were pro CS9, if the current plans were reworked.
But even if you add the two together, it the nos still have it by a massive 3 to 1.

Mind you, TfL haven't manipulated the results yet.

26 people answered "not bothered" and 2 more replied that they hadn't heard of CS9. But with just under 10,000 replies the not bothered or the haven't heard won't make any impact on the result. 

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