Congo: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community organizes 21st Annual Convention, Jalsa Salana

The annual conference for 2018 in Kinshasa was held on the theme "Character of the Prophet Muhammad" and aimed to bring the Ahmadis to please God, following the example of the founder of their religion, Islam.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | Int'l Desk
Source/Credit: l’Agence d’Information d’Afrique Centrale
By Lucien Dianzenza | July 8, 2018

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Congo (Comaco) held on July 8, in the Don Bosco hall in Masina, 2018 Annual Conference for the city province of Kinshasa, the 21 th Jalsa Salana. For the official representative and chief missionary of Comaco, Amir Jama'at Khalid Mahmood said that the objective pursued in the organization of these conferences remains the improvement of the spiritual state of the Muslims members of this community as well as all the people invited to these meetings.

The founder of the community asked to organize, he explained, such conferences in which topics are discussed about what the character and behavior of the members should be."We think that saying that I am a Muslim is not enough. It is necessary that in his character, in his behavior, one can show the example of being a good Muslim, in accordance with the holy Koran and the recommendations of the prophet Muhammad ", said the Amir Jama'at.
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