USA: HRW Deputy Director Briefs House Foreign Affairs Committee on Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Persecution

The court documents in cases against Ahmadis are revealing. In one conviction, the court found, “It appears that a group of people belonging to the Ahmadiyya sect have formed in Ain Melilla to disseminate beliefs that are alien to our religion"

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: HRW.Org
By Web Post | July 6, 2018

Statement of Eric Goldstein, Deputy Director, Human Rights Watch Middle East and North Africa Division

I wish to thank the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission for convening this briefing and for inviting Human Rights Watch to participate. My remarks will focus on the repression of the Ahmadis in Algeria, a country where Ahmadis number only about 2,000 by their own account, in a country of 40 million, and are clearly being persecuted because of the peaceful exercise of their faith.

The intolerance shown toward Ahmadis in Algeria comes from on high. The current minister of religious affairs, Mohamed Aissa, has been quoted describing Ahmadis as part of a “deliberate sectarian invasion.” He added that the government brought criminal charges against them to “stop deviation from religious precepts.” Aissa said that Ahmadis are “damaging the very basis of Islam,” and accused Ahmadi leaders of colluding with Israel. In April 2017, Ahmed Ouyahia, the chef de cabinet of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, called on Algerians to “protect the country from the Shia and Ahmadiyya sects.” Government officials have also used similar tropes to attack Protestantism, which has attracted a tiny following among Algerians.
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