Nadine Dorries Defends Boris - BADLY

Some people have difficulty seeing their own hypocrisy, and one of those best-known for this shortness of sight is Mid-Bedfordshire’s Tory MP (yes, it’s her again) Nadine Dorries, serial defender of London’s formerly very occasional Mayor Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson. The fragrant Nadine denounced Young Dave and his sidekick George Osborne as “two posh boys who didn’t know the price of a pint of milk”. So what about Bozza?
But Bozza, more posh that George, on a par with Cameron, and who doesn’t know the price of anything in the weekly shop, because he has people to do that sort of thing for him, not only gets a free pass from Ms Dorries, she is prepared to slavishly shill for him.
This involves a mixture of deflection, falsehood and misinformation, as she tells anyone prepared to listen “Boris who was elected as Mayor twice? Delivered the Olympics, Boris bikes, kept Londoners safe, banished bendy buses, reinvigorated the city, that Boris?” The Olympics secured by his predecessor, the bike scheme his predecessor had ready to go when Bozza arrived at City Hall? Water cannon? Garden Bridge? Vanity cable car?
Keeping Londoners safe” by cutting Police numbers and then dumping the problem on his successor? The bendy buses that were demonised as cycle killers, but never actually killed one? The bendy buses replaced by overweight, overpriced vanity sweat boxes? All rounded off with the meaningless soundbite “reinvigorated the city”.
Still, on to Bozza’s forthright bigotry. “Any clothing a woman is forced to wear which hides both her beauty and her bruises should be banned and have no place in our liberal, progressive country … No woman in a liberal, progressive society should be forced to cover up her beauty or her bruises. Boris didn’t go far enough. France, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, they aren’t on their knees in apology”. This is total drivel.
Is Ms Dorries accusing Muslim women of covering up spousal abuse? Oh, and it’s not about how liberal we are, or how apologetic. It’s about Bozza using language verging on incitement, and encouraging the far-right. It’s not about “forcing” anyone to do anything.
Not that she was for listening. “This is what the government attitude should be. Speak out and support these suppressed women instead of supporting clothes that a woman is dictated she should wear, imprison a and make her a slave to a male dominated religion”. It still isn’t about “suppressed” anything. It’s about making Muslim women, who already suffer attacks because of their clothing choices, the target of hate mobs.
But on she drones. “You cannot expect a society that celebrates gay pride and embraces gay marriage to live harmoniously when condoning the suppression of women forced to cover up, segregate and become invisible”. Wanting Muslim women to be able to feel safe in public is not “suppression”. Nobody wants to look over there, thanks.
She wasn’t listening. “What No10 has done, is fallen to its knees in deference to the noises off and failed to take an educated view as to how Britons feel about women being isolated and hidden from view”. Nadine Dorries taking an educated view? Get the diary out.

Boris Johnson is a racist bigot. Anyone defending him is therefore defending a racist bigot. And the deflection ain’t making it. Don’t insult the electorate’s intelligence, Ms Dorries.

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