Natalie Rowe Burns Boris Johnson

[The claims made by Ms Rowe have not yet been confirmed; nor have they been denied. Johnson and his representatives are, at time of publication, yet to respond to them]
Crikey chaps ... oo-er ... yikes!

As the fallout from his column last week in the increasingly desperate and downmarket Telegraph continues to settle, London’s formerly very occasional Mayor Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson has returned to the UK to say very little to a waiting but easily impressed press pack. But one Bozza observer did have something to say yesterday evening.
Natalie Rowe

Natalie Rowe, who has experienced Bozza’s tendency to racist bigotry at first hand, has pitched a series of accusations which demonstrate, if demonstration were still needed, of his total lack of fitness for public service, and most definitely for the Top Job he still craves.
Ms Rowe began by addressing Bozza directly. “Shall I spill the beans about the Italian Banker and his Wife and more importantly YOUR involvement??? I’ll give you an HOUR to give your version and a right of reply, then after that I’ll take it as: You can go ahead”. No response was forthcoming, and so she went right ahead.
@BorisJohnson has another Child out of his own marriage to his Wife, apart from the one we all know of in the Press, he made a deal with the Baby Mamma to pass the child off as her partner’s, a City Banker, a DNA was taken and Boris is the Baby Daddy, what’s important here is … that @BorisJohnson not only goes around impregnating Women outside his Marriage (not for the first time) but he was prepared to let this Child grow up (knowing) that some other Man was the Daddy, and that’s deception of the worse kind”.
Bozza in inability to keep trousers zipped up no shock horror. But this time there is the added twist, as it were, of allegedly passing the child off as someone else’s. Which meant, as Ms Rowe pointed out, “There’s nothing comedic about @BorisJohnson, if he can not only let another person claim his own child, then let’s be in NO doubt he has no loyalty or morals to the U.K. & can NEVER be allowed anywhere near the top Job as PM”.
She also claimed that this was not an isolated incident. “Probably didn’t make this bit clear enough … the Farther of the Child is well aware of the foiled deception, but let’s take note this is NOT #BorisJohnson’s first Rodeo and the Italian Banker isn’t a happy bunny”. So we also have a clue as to the identity of the other party.
The response to the allegation? From Bozza fans, it was predictable, as Ms Rowe noted. “What I’m finding rather extraordinary, but not at all surprised by, are the weak Tory sheep idiots that somehow are having a go at me for telling them the truth about their Master Boris Johnson’s disgusting behaviour”. No point in shooting the messenger.
Still no response from those Chez Bozza. My information is that there is at least one more of these most unfortunate revelations to come. And who knows what other skeletons lurk in the Bozza cupboard? Because that not only informs his fitness for public office, but also potentially gives the press leverage over his decision making.

So, Bozza backers, you have to ask yourselves one question. Do you feel … lucky?
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