Nick Fury in Suspense

I loved Alan Class comics. For those of you who have never heard of them, they were 68 page black and white reprints of American comics. You'd get a mixture of strips from Marvel, Charlton, and ACG packaged into each issue. The selections were mostly random, so you might have a Fantastic Four story in there one month, but a Spider-Man one in the next issue, - regardless of whether the stories were cliffhangers or not. 

Alan Class was the publisher and the comics ran for years, eventually becoming reprints of reprints, and with a publication frequency as random as their content, until one day they stopped altogether.

I wrote about them a few years ago (here) but the reason they're on my mind again today is that I just noticed that the eBay seller phil-comics has an issue of Amazing Stories of Suspense No.94 up for auction, which reprints Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD No.4 from 1968. Yep, the one with that iconic cover by one of my favourtite artists, Jim Steranko, that many artists have since homaged in their own work. (The story inside is drawn by Frank Springer, by the way.)

This is the first time I've seen this issue since it was in the shops around 1969 so I thought I'd post the cover here, and of course acknowledge Phil with a link to his eBay page where you'll find many wonderful old comics:

If you're interested in bidding on this comic, here's the link:

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