Tommy Robinson Pals Fall-Out ESCALATES

While Stephen Yaxley Lennon, who styles himself Tommy Robinson, continues to serve his jail term in HMP Onley, a Category C establishment near Rugby, and his friends do their best to support his family, some of the less principled but perhaps more financially desperate hangers-on try to profit from the situation. One of those is deeply unpleasant creep Caolan Robertson, who had conned himself a trip to the USA for his efforts.
As I posted recently, Lennon’s PA Hel Gower had told Caolan and Morphine where to get off, if only indirectly. After Robertson had claimed “I have worked with Tommy almost every day for almost 2 years and have never met or heard of you. He told me he does not have a  PA. Your information is completely false. Tommy will clarify all of this as soon as he is released”, and then deleted the Tweet (but not quickly enough), she put him straight.

The team don't talk to Caolan and I regularly talk to the family as well as Tommy ringing me”. So it was no surprise that it was Ms Gower who had the latest information from the Lennon family: “Spoke to Tommy’s wife, her and the kids visited him yesterday and were so pleased to finally see him. Tommy is ok and I won’t duplicate what Raheem reported yesterday. Tommy’s prison number is A2084CG and the prison is:- HMP Onley Rugby Warwickshire CV23 8AP”. She is, effectively, Lennon’s official spokesperson.
And those watching what Robertson was up to might have assumed, because his Twitter feed has been inactive for the last four days, and had no contributions from him for five, that he had now accepted this. But he hasn’t.

This was confirmed when Zelo Street was in receipt of an email this morning sent on behalf of a Washington DC “lobbyist and attorney” called Jack Burkman, which tells “Official Robinson spokesman coming from London to join Burkman at press conference and fundraising event. Burkman also assembling lobbying coalition to obtain a US Congressional resolution demanding the British government release Robinson at once”.

So who is the “official Robinson spokesman”? Is it Ms Gower? Is it, perhaps, Raheem “call me Ray” Kassam, who was mentioned by Ms Gower in that Tweet? It is neither of those. The “official Robinson spokesman” is none other than Caolan Robertson.

You think I jest? Here’s the spiel: “Jack Burkman … has announced plans for an event benefitting the recently imprisoned Rebel Media reporter Tommy Robinson. A joint press conference with Robinson’s spokesperson Caolan Robertson will be followed by a cocktail fundraiser. Burkman and Robertson believe this case is an example of poor freedom of speech laws and they hope holding an event will draw attention and support from fellow conservatives in America”. How much dishonesty is there in that?
Lennon is no longer a Rebel Media contributor, and Robertson ain’t his spokesman. But then, Jack Burkman, it has to be stressed, is away with the fairies. Here’s his ridiculous rant about Lennon’s imprisonment. “This is one of the worst violations I’ve witnessed in the U.K.’s already spotty human rights record … If Theresa May and the British Courts insist on acting in this authoritarian manner, they must be replaced”.

He’s a total whacko. He’s even Tweeted “Shame on British PM May: She has imprisoned Tommy Robinson for no crime other than what he wrote”. And he’s invoked Combover Crybaby Donald Trump in support, telling “The British government is paralyzed. They stifle freedom of the press and arrest journalists for fear of inflaming their citizens and neighbours … If they won’t act, it’s up to our citizens and politicians, even President Trump, to reach out and lend a hand”. Wibble.
Thing is, though, Burkman has a radio and TV talk show, he’s scheduled a fundraising event on June 29 at the Key Bridge Holiday Inn (it’s across the river in Arlington, VA), and he’s decided that Caolan Robertson is Lennon’s “official spokesman”.

All of which means the infighting is only going to get worse. Especially now that Caolan and Morphine has got himself a jolly to DC on the back of it.

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