Boris Churchill Comparison FAIL

This week’s Tory Party Conference in Manchester has had precious little to set the assembled punditry’s pulses racing: much of the time, the main conference venue at Manchester Central has been all but empty, as most of the party’s MPs have found better things to do than waste their time and money actually turning up. So, sadly and inevitably, there was a disproportionate amount of coverage for one party hero.
No prizes for guessing that the hero of the hour for the gullible and desperate was London’s formerly very occasional Mayor Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, who gave his usual faux showman’s speech to grateful delegates yesterday afternoon, and whose performance, although not in the least original or amusing, was lionised by the press.
A total Muppet. And Elmo from Sesame Street

The fawning idiocy of the Fourth Estate was typified by the increasingly desperate and downmarket Telegraph, which had led on Bozza’s baloney. “The roaring lion … Johnson channels Churchill with call for Britain to be bold and seize opportunities of Brexit in speech to galvanise the Tories” eulogises the toe-curlingly embarrassing headline.
Churchill - not being channelled by Bozza

The supporting article was equally bad. “BORIS JOHNSON invoked his hero, Sir Winston Churchill, as he told the Conservative Party to ‘be bold’ and to ‘let the lion roar’ yesterday in a party conference speech designed to rally Tory supporters … The Foreign Secretary insisted Britain can ‘win the future’ in an address that received a standing ovation from cheering party members”. We were also told which age of Churchill was being invoked.
A photo of Winshton from the war years is captioned “Winston Churchill in the 1941 ‘Roaring Lion’ portrait, channelled by Boris Johnson in his speech”. Ri-i-i-ight.

The Churchill of 1941 may have been defiant. He also led a country so close to both bankruptcy and capitulation that it had to be kept afloat by the generosity of Franklin Roosevelt and the United States Congress. Moreover, Churchill, in his many ministerial roles, was not given to the serial disloyalty displayed by Bozza.
On top of that, he was not prone to smearing hundreds of thousands of his fellow Britons as “wallowing in victimhood”. He was not a congenital liar, nor a serial philanderer. His motivation in leading Britain during the war years was to see his country through, and see off the Third Reich. Bozza’s sole motivation is the promotion of Himself Personally Now.

Churchill was not given to crass and insensitive diplomatic gaffes, like trying to recite Kipling in a Buddhist temple, or talking of “watermelon smiles”, or, his latest idiocy, claim that Libya could be the next Dubai once they “clear the dead bodies away”, this last even disgusting some of his own MPs, such as South Cambridgeshire’s Heidi Allen.
Boris Johnson would not have reached up to Churchill’s ankles. It is one of the great failings of modern British politics, and especially modern British political reporting, that anyone would be foolish enough to even try and make the comparison.

And the use of Preventive Incantation to avoid the looming reality of what Brexit will really bring is not going to stop the onrush of reality. Must try harder, press people.

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