Patience Has Run Out : Taxi Org Calls For Week-long London Shut Down InNew Year.

Mayor Khan Says Time's Run Out For The 13,000 UberDivers With Fake DBS. He Went On To Say "They Shouldn't Be Working". TfL Not Listening???

Mayor’s Question Time 16th November 2017.
TfL are again walking all over the Taxi trade. Legislation is in place to protect the public. If the Mayor and TfL consider uber to be unsafe, not fit to be an operator, then that legislation can and should be invoked.
But again, the weak Mayor, fronting for a weak TfL, in the face of weak representation from the Taxi trade engagement orgs have given uber a blank cheque to carry on being unsafe and not fit and proper. 

At MQT yesterday, question 4 came from assembly Member David Kurten asking the Mayor to clarify the situation in regards to Uber relicensing and the appeal process. 

The Mayor gave a wishy-washy scripted reply, then added they are seeking leave to appeal, followed by the appeal process itself, which could take a couple of years. 

According to Khan (under current legislation), Uber are legally allowed to continue to operate. 
If that is the case, then how did TfL manage to shut down Taxify ???

Assembly member Kurten’s went on to question (3:28 into the video) the scandalous situation of 13,000 Uber drivers, who were given 28 days to re-present genuine DBS certificates by TfLTPH. 

Sadiq Khan said "those drivers who haven’t now re-presented should not be working !!!"

There you have it HELEN CHAPMAN, from the mouth of the’s now over to you at TfLTPH !!!

What are TfL planning to do, to ensure the 10,000+ who haven’t bothered to re-present aren’t working for Uber or any other operator ?

David Kurten then asked how many drivers, Uber actually had registered on their books.

It was clear that the Mayor didn’t know the answer to this question and could only point to the total given by Uber in recent press releases, so we are none the wiser.

Another issue that's been swept under TFL's carpet:
Why has there been a complete news blackout about the Exhibition Road Alleged Uber Driver. It's been leaked that the driver -arrested at the scene- was not the driver registered on the App. The driver had picked up two female passengers who have suddenly disappeared.
First reports from on the scene witnesses said the driver appeared to deliberately attack them....all information dried up within hours..... 

It seems patience has run out amongst the rank and file drivers who look towards their representative orgs and unions, only to find silence. 

We are now looking forward to a "Winter Of Discontent". 

In the statement below, the ITA have made their intentions crystal clear. 

In light of recent events and incongruous statements by Mayor #Khan and #TfL, we find no other option, but to call a series of week long disruptive protests in the New Year. 

5 different effective targets on separate days to close London. 

See David Kurten’s questions to the Mayor in the video below 


Also, if you have the time, you can watch the whole MQT using this link below. Helpful if you're having trouble sleeping. 

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