Another day, another resignation from the loathsome Toby Young: he has now resigned his position as a Fulbright Commissioner, following departure from the board of the newly-formed Office for Students. His presence at the London Conference on Intelligence last year, alongside white supremacists and the occasional paedophile, was not the only eugenics bash he had attended recently - there had been another in Montreal.
Tobes has been revealed as a truly vile individual, claiming to be all for inclusivity and diversity, while rubbing shoulders with the Whitey Power mob. But he would not have got to where he is today - or rather, where he was before London Student and Private Eye allowed reality to intervene - without the enablers, promoters, excuse merchants and fellow travellers of the Press and Pundit Establishment, all of whom should hang their heads in shame at their having shielded and encouraged him.
So today Zelo Street names the guilty men - and women - who should now consider their positions, but will not. Where to start? Ah yes, Boris Johnson, who claims to be the Foreign Secretary. Bozza told us “Ridiculous outcry over Toby Young. He will bring independence, rigour and caustic wit. Ideal man for job”. Liar backs liar no shock horror.
Jo Johnson, Bozza’s kid brother, who stood before the Commons and defended Tobes, claiming he had been on a “transformational journey”. He hadn’t.
Michael Gove, the Minister for Murdoch, piled in behind Bozza: “Quite right too - how many of Toby Young’s critics have worked night and day to provide great state schools for children of every background?” Tobes worked night and day? Like heck he did.
Sarah Vine, aka Mrs Michael Gove, lent her Lady Macbeth-like support: “If the government fires @toadmeister then there is no point. We might as well just give up on democracy and let Twitter run the country”. It wasn’t about Twitter. And well she knew it.
Piers Morgan, still for some reason the three-days-a-week co-host of ITV breakfast offering Good Morning Britain, who snapped “Few more brilliant educational minds in Britain than @AnthonySeldon. If he’s OK with @toadmeister getting this gig, then I suggest all the shrieking PC-crazed lefty loons pipe down”. It wasn’t about lefties.
Julia Hartley Dooda, she of “If you think Toby Young is unfit to be on the university regulator board because he tweeted about women’s tits but you voted for Jeremy Corbyn to be PM after he took cash from Russia & Iran, and supported Hamas & the IRA, then you’re an idiot”. Journalist fails to do journalism before ranting? Idiot indeed.
Isabel Oakeshott, speaking after Tobes resigned from the OfS but before we discovered why - never a good move - claimed “Political correctness is sapping public life of talented people. It has become utterly corrosive. @toadmeister been v rude to me in the past, but it's time we all got over silly things said in the past. His resignation is a great loss”. Loss to whom? Advocates of eugenics and knee-jerk right-wing conformists, maybe.
Paul Staines - the perpetually thirsty custodian of the Guido Fawkes blog ran a post backing Tobes and claiming it was all about the left. It wasn’t. When Young resigned, the Fawkes rabble demanded everyone “look over there” at Angela Ranyer. Wrong again.
Alex Wickham, teaboy to The Great Guido, also failed to do his homework, claiming “Toby Young, adviser to a quango, apologises, resigns, takes the flak and the story blows up … Jared O'Mara, an actual MP with constituents to represent, doesn't resign, goes missing for four months and gets away with it”. Look over there? No thanks, Billy Liar.
Fraser Nelson, editor of the Spectator magazine, who went on The Andy Marr Show (tm) last Sunday and told viewers that Tobes’ bad stuff was “historic”. It wasn’t historic enough.
Laura Perrins, tedious and unfunny co-editor of the equally tedious Conservative Woman blog, who dedicated both Tweets and posts to propping up Tobes, notably asking “Do you really, really think Toby Young hates women. Actually hates them? Do you think he believes in eugenics in the classic sense - wiping out the ‘unwanted’?” No comment.
Tony Gallagher, still inexplicably in the editor’s chair at the Murdoch Sun, who dedicated part of yesterday’s editorial to ranting abusively at anyone who had passed adverse comment on Tobes. Many of the insults thrown around sound very hollow right now.
Plus, lest we forget, all those at the BBC, Sky News and elsewhere who have unquestioningly booked Toby Young to appear as a pundit on a variety of shows, the Press Establishment which has given him a platform - notably the Murdoch Sun and Rothermere Mail titles - and the members of the Pundit Establishment who have welcomed Tobes into their ranks and defended him against anyone wanting to shine a little of that daylight into the less appealing parts of his psyche. All should also be ashamed at their conduct.
The saga of Toby Young sums up all that is rotten and corrupt in the Media Establishment today. That so little will change after he was unmasked yesterday tells you all you need to know about the nature of this particular beast. And they wonder why the public is cynical.
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