While some right-leaning pundits are trying - without success, fortunately - to advance their agenda of moving health care towards a US-style model (where it costs twice as much per head for less good outcomes), others are playing the blame game, trying their best to get readers to blame problems in the NHS on someone other than the people who ultimately make the funding decisions - that would be the Government.
Another weekend, another unmerited paycheque
For the Murdoch goons at the Super Soaraway Currant Bun, this means an opportunity to attack minorities, and sure enough, washed-up has-been Tony Parsons has stepped up to the plate in no style at all to administer a kicking to all those “foreigners”, which means those who don’t speak English properly, plus those whose skin colour is not in accordance with types declared acceptable by Creepy Uncle Rupe and his fellow Mafiosi.
The headline tells you all you need to know: “Our NHS is not here to wipe the world’s bottom - health tourism is bleeding our health service dry”. And don’t bother looking at The Red Team: “WHATEVER Jeremy Corbyn and his stooges tell you, there is no quick fix for a health service that is doing its best for a population that is ageing, overweight and expected to top 70million within ten years”. Yeah, do as Rupe tells you!
So what’s the problem? “Treating foreigners who have paid nothing into the system makes a mockery of the NHS, which came into existence to care for our people, not to heal the world … But record numbers of health tourists are flying into the UK to give birth to their babies on our maternity wards”. How many? “The exact number is unknown”. So you don’t know. “A Sun investigation made a conservative estimate of 4,500”. You made it up.
Nye Bevan: Parsons would not have reached up to his ankles
Have another go. “The largest unpaid maternity bill was at the Royal Berkshire NHS Trust, where a mother from Pakistan currently owes £46,000”. Yeah, it’s the Scary Muslims (tm)! And it wouldn’t be a Parsons rant without a little reminiscence: “It was never meant to be this way … But when the NHS was created in 1948, there were only 50million of us and we didn’t get many visitors”. Wrong: the population in 1951 was 43.7 million.
And it wouldn’t be a Parsons column without lying about politicians long dead. “When Labour’s Nye Bevan created the NHS in the aftermath of war, he never anticipated a world of gastric bands for the morbidly obese, the Third World flying in to have their baby, and transgender teens freezing their eggs in case they changed their mind about their preferred gender”. Bevan would not have picked on the weak and vulnerable, nor would he have countenanced victimising those of other faiths, nor those not speaking English.
Nor would he have immediately thought the worst of others’ motives, as Parsons does: “While out walking my dog on one of these dark winter mornings, a woman approached me and posed a question in broken English … ‘Where is the free hospital? she asked … I have no idea if she was referring to our local hospital by name - the Royal Free Hospital of North London - or if she simply meant a hospital where she could get free healthcare … But I got the gist … And our chance meeting summed up so much of what is killing the NHS”. It told everyone else what an un-Christian and uncharitable cretin Parsons is.
Attitudes like that may continue to score Tony Parsons More And Bigger Paycheques For Himself Personally Now. For most others, it shows he’s out of touch. No change there.
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