Sun Corbyn Putin Smear BUSTED

It is Albert Einstein who is usually credited with the observation “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”. Most intelligent people understand this concept. But at the Baby Shard bunker, the Murdoch goons at the Super Soaraway Currant Bun are having none of it. For them, it’s a case of If You Don’t Succeed, well, just suck a little more seed instead.
They tried to smear Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as a Soviet agent. That failed, most notoriously after their claim that the former East German Stasi held a file on him proved to be untrue. So now they are bringing their readers the same, er, fluid in a differently labelled bottle, with today’s headline proclaiming “Outrage at Red Jezza … PUTIN’S PUPPET … Corbyn refuses to blast Russia on spy attack”.

Perhaps buoyed by the Mail backing up its stance - their headline is “CORBYN, THE KREMLIN STOOGE” - the Sun’s non-bullying political editor Tom Newton Dunn has proclaimed to readers “JEREMY Corbyn was branded Vladimir Putin’s puppet last night after failing to condemn Russia over the nerve agent attack”.
But, as Captain Blackadder might have observed, there was only one problem with this idea - it was bollocks. We know this as the text of what Jezza actually said is readily available, and contains such lines as “The attack in Salisbury was an appalling act of violence, Nerve agents are abominable if used in any war. It is utterly reckless to use them in a civilian environment”. Nor did he hold back on the Putin régime.

We have a duty to speak out about the abuse of human rights by the Putin Government and their supporters, both at home and abroad, and I join many others in this House in paying tribute to the many campaigners in Russia for human rights, justice and democracy in that country. We must do more to address the dangers posed by the state’s relationship with unofficial mafia-like groups and corrupt oligarchs”. And that condemnation?
The events in Salisbury earlier this month are abominable and have been rightly condemned across the House. Britain has to build a consensus with our allies, and we support the Prime Minister in taking multilateral and firm action to ensure that we strengthen the chemical weapons convention and that this dreadful, appalling act, which we totally condemn, never happens again in our country” [my emphases].

Corbyn has made clear his, and his party’s, condemnation of what happened in Salisbury. Yet there are both the Sun and Mail claiming he did not. Sadly for therm, what Jezza said is a matter of Parliamentary record. Newton Dunn no doubt has his orders, and needs the money, but once again his credibility has been shot through by nothing more taxing than actually checking the facts. And the facts say his pants are on fire.
Shill for the Tories by all means, Sun and Mail hacks. But all that lying to the readers will do is to guarantee, with the certainly of night following day, that once they realise they’ve been had, they’ll stop buying your rubbish and won’t come back.

And the Sun is still losing money hand over fist. Serves the idiots right.

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