"The motto of AMYA is ‘A nation cannot be reformed without the reformation of its youth’ and so everything we do is inspired by a desire to improve in all aspects of our lives. Therefore, we hold this annual event to learn and practice the true Islamic teachings.
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: The Huddersfield Daily Examiner
By Lauren Ballinger | March 11, 2018
The event was organised by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association
More than 200 young Muslims came to Huddersfield today to take pledge allegiance to the UK.
The event, organsed by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association, was arranged to promote moral values, education and national loyalty, as well as pledge allegiance to Islam, Great Britain and the British nation.
It featured a football tournament, volleyball, cricket, athletics events and a bouncy castle for the younger attendees.
The day, at AMYA’s Huddersfield HQ in Spaines Road, Fartown, finished with a speech from AMYA UK president Mirza Waqas Ahmad.
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