It's Oldham Comic Con this Saturday, 12th May, 10am.
Oldham Library and Lifelong Learning Centre,
Greaves Street,
Hopefully I'll be there but I've been laid low with a flu bug all week. Cold-like symptoms have almost gone so providing the dizziness and exhaustion gets better I hope to be there.
Here's the full guest list....
Marc Ducrow
Lew Stringer
Jessica Lucas
David Roach
The Etheringhton brothers
Steve Austin
Yasmin Sheikh
John wagner
Carlos Ezquerra
Alan Cowsill
Jay martin
Chris Sides
Jon Laight
Lukasz Kowalczuk
Grant Richards
Lyndsey Green
Jon Scrivens
Dan Whitehead
Tab Kimpton
Joe Glass
Matt Warner
Pete Mckeirmon
Patrick Goddard
Neil Edwards
Dave Taylor
Tim Perkins
Neal Bhuna
Nigel Parkinson
Nika Nartova
Chris Imber
Sarah Millman
Dan Cornwell
Peter Doherty
John Royal
Ian Richardson
Aly Fell
Neil McClemets
Mindstrain comics
Marc Johnson
Joe Mathews
Dan Charnly
Katie Whittle
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