Tommy Robinson SACKS His Pal

Last Sunday’s alleged “Day For Freedom” in London, brainchild of Stephen Yaxley Lennon, who styles himself Tommy Robinson, attracted the all too predictable violence, when Ali Dawah, who had been invited to speak, and his pal Mohammed Hijab were targeted by some of the crowd. As usual with anything involving Lennon, this was all someone else’s fault. And the someone else was one of his pals.
By midweek, Far Right Watch had picked up on the falling out: “The Fash are falling apart tonight. Acrimonious insults and threats abound between Football Lads Alliance @TrueFla, Tommy Robinson and various other persons / groups, re Sunday's violence”.
What could they mean? We did not have to wait long to find out. Lucy Brown, who was (note past tense) one of Lennon’s pals, and had been helping to organise the event, Tweeted “If you oppose Antifa attacking me but do not oppose the DFLA attacking Mohammed Hijab then you are a hypocrite”. This did not find universal favour.
Whoever was in charge of the Democratic Football Lads Alliance Twitter feed was having none of that. “Again this is all your doing! Thought you where being smart and failed miserably. We are known for our peaceful demos. Seems you attract trouble tho! I’d give up your day job”. This in turn was not allowed to pass by Ms Brown.
Some of these men were seemingly friends with and/or DFLA stewards who were appointment on the day last minute and not vetted … I also have some further information which I will be passing onto the Police”. By this time, some of those freedom loving folks from the event were denouncing her as a “grass”, and worse.
The DFLA shot back “They where in fact with tommys [sic] entourage. Pass on what you want! We have the video evidence and the fact you instigated it. You tried to ruin the day and failed! Hidden agenda I’d say”. What say Ms Brown? “Go on, post the video”.
Then came the news posted on Facebook: “I have just spoken to Tommy Robinson. Lucy has been sacked because she disobeyed his direct instruction to delete the invite to Ali … Tommy told me he was fuming about Lucy’s disgusting insults and disrespect to the DFLA and the veterans, he totally appreciated the hard work the DFLA and veterans did on the day to stop a minor scuffle turning into a major incident”.
Another Facebook post tells “Very simply one of Tommy's team overstepped the mark and invited a man whose presence was likely to lead to disorder without clearing it with Tommy first, this situation is being dealt with internally by Tommy”. But there was a problem.
Far Right Watch put it directly: “Right Wing Thug who attacked Muslim on Sunday identified, and look who he's a big fan of .... #Ukip. Steve Guy, of #Colchester - #EDL and #BNP. Long history of violence and convictions”. Interesting definition of “Peaceful”.
Meanwhile, Lucy Brown has enigmatically Tweeted “If You Defend Free Speech You'll Lose your job”, which more or less confirms the Facebook post.
Another far right attempt to become mainstream, another glorious failure. Which has been blamed on someone else. I’m sure the cops will be equally understanding.

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