Tommy Robinson Pal DEPORTED From USA

As if to admit that the country has more than its fair share of far-right, er, individuals, the authorities in the USA have of late been taking a hard line when it comes to letting more of them in. First, following his being linked to the Christchurch shooter, was Generation Identity leader Martin Sellner. Now, entry has been refused to Australian loudmouth Avi Yemini, pal of Stephen Yaxley Lennon, who styles himself Tommy Robinson.
Nothing at all threatening here, honestly

Yemini, who contributes to Lennon’s “news” site, had secured an appearance on Jim Jefferies’ Comedy Central show. One might have thought that he would be rather pleased about this, but like his pal Lennon’s appearance on Sky News recently, Yemini was soon cutting up rough about the way the interview had been edited. So he decided to head to the States and confront Jefferies. Just for a polite conversation, you understand.
So it was that the Lennon-supporting Politicalite told its followersCOME AND AVI GO! Aussie Activist Heading To America To CONFRONT Jim Jefferies”. Included was a photo of Yemini holding an automatic rifle. That’s someone who was caught on camera by Ali Dawah admitting that he’d shot dead unarmed Palestinians.
Yemini, meanwhile, was aggressively pushing back, telling “Jim Jefferies EXPOSED: The FINAL MUST SEE Clip … Full unedited version being uploaded … Support my American tour against #FakeNews”. Then he added a legal threat. “Just heard back from a well known lawyer in the States who has watched the @jimjefferies exposé and is looking forward to meeting me while I’m there. This trip just got a whole lot more interesting”.
By early this month, Yemini confirmed he would soon be en route to the USA. “I’m officially packed with all I need to go to America! Bring. It. On. #FightingFakeNews”. He was also sneering at Jefferies’ achievements. “The only Emmy @jimjefferies deserves is for the best #FakeNews of 2019 … How about you nominate him for this little gem … Or better yet, do YOUR job and REPORT on what he’s done for @enews”. Subtle, isn’t he?
Yemini’s cause was taken up by a far-right New Zealand blog. He approved of this, adding “Looking forward to ‘catching out’ @jimjefferies again very soon… Merica”. And by yesterday, he was able to confirm he was “Merica bound”.
Sadly, this was a campaign destined to develop not necessarily to his advantage, as his next feedback told “#BREAKING Upon arrival in Los Angeles I was DETAINED and INTERROGATED by the FBI and am currently waiting to be DEPORTED from the USA … The ‘informant’ was @ComedyCentral … Full details when I get back home”. Then, inevitably, came “Finally released from ‘detention’. On my way home”.
They deported him? Result!

He threatened confrontation against a well-known US citizen. And expected to be let in by the authorities at LAX in order to carry out his threats. The he feigned surprise that they declined to assist him. One wonders if the UK Border Force are monitoring events.

Another little Wild West Show comes to an end. I’ll just leave that one there.
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