Tottenham Court Road To Go Two Way On Saturday 20th April 2019...Taxis Excluded From Spring 2020

Proving that consultations are pointless, (they just have one, using pointed questions, then do what they like regardless)TfL have issued this statement below about Tottenham Court Road.

On Saturday 20 April, sections of Tottenham Court Road will change to two-way traffic. From spring 2020, sections of Tottenham Court Road will become bus and cycle only in both directions between 08:00 and 19:00 from Monday to Saturday.

Access to loading bays will be maintained via the northbound lane on Tottenham Court Road.

Local businesses receiving or making deliveries should speak to their supplier about whether they can re-time deliveries to outside peak hours, or reduce deliveries by streamlining your suppliers and the number of visits they make to your premises. information, visit our travel advice page.

Please drive carefully while pedestrians, cyclists and traffic gets used to the new system.

For more information, visit our travel advice page.

Please drive carefully while pedestrians, cyclists and traffic gets used to the new system.

Yours sincerely, 
Glynn Barton
TfL Director of Network Management

Let’s hope that pedestrians are not mowed down by buses in the new scheme, like we’ve seen along Baker Street and Gloucester Place.  

Camden Council posted this on their website 20 February 2018

The £35m West End Project will begin in early March.  Set to be the largest transformational scheme in the London Borough of Camden, the project will change not just how people travel in the Tottenham Court Road area, but how it looks and feels. 

Issues which have affected the area for some time, will be addressed, including poor air quality, traffic congestion, and a lack of public open space.

Well, in our opinion, they haven’t ‘addressed issues’... they have just ignored the problems residents and road users have raised!

This scheme is being push through on safety issues, yet the London Taxi Trade has the best safety record of any firm of transport using this Street. 

The new scheme will also discriminate against disabled groups. All London’s Taxis are mandated to be fully wheelchair accessible. 

ITA protests are scheduled to start again on 8th of May.... Where buses go, Taxis go. 
These protests (which will now be supported by disabled passenger groups) will carry in indefinitely. 

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