Perspective: Muslims in Myanmar -- we cannot let them die | Attiya Ghani

As humans, we cannot let them die. We all need to raise our voices against atrocities no matter what religion the victims profess  and where they are committed.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: AT/TOA/Author
By Attiya Ghani | September 27, 2017

United Nations and main stream media should play their roles

In Myanmar (Burma), the Rohingya Muslims are facing the threat of annihilation. This Muslim minority has been persecuted for years by Buddhist civilians and the Myanmar state. The government has never granted them the rights of citizenship.  The consideration that Rohingya Muslims are less than human, is paving the way for atrocity and barbarism.

Burmese forces have burned countless villages, massacred men, women and children, and more than 375,000 have fled to take refuge in Bangladesh. The murderers believe that these Muslims can become part of “ISIS” and are not individuals at all and so these miserable victims are slaughtered, burnt alive and treated worse than animals.
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