Perspective: Say No to Burqa Ban ! | Maryum S.

When you ban burqa in your community, then you allow only a select community of your nation to represent you in parliament also.  So then your parliament would not be truly represented.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | Int'l Desk
Source/Credit: Author
By Maryum S. | December 23, 2017

Just because one European Parliament thought it fit to ban the burqa it does not mean every EU nation starts doing it. One should assess the following for the countries/provinces that
banned the burqa..
1. Has crime stopped?
2. Has peace and justice prevailed?
3. Has tourism increased?
4. Has respect for all humanity increased?
5. Has freedom of wardrobe prevailed?

If answers to all the above questions is no, then dear Parliamentarians of the world please do not even think about such an extremist ban. Any form of extremism is bad. Middle path is the best.  EU stands out amongst nations of the world for their commitment to justice, peace and tranquility. Dear Parliamentarians of EU nations, such bans would dwindle your respect in the world.
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