Guido Fawked - Hoaxed By Nick Griffin

The perpetually thirsty Paul Staines and his rabble at the Guido Fawkes blog love to call “Fake News” on anyone else, but are distinctly thin-skinned when it comes to being called out for their own howlers. So they are going to be particularly sore this afternoon when they find that one of their recent opportunities to kick Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn looked too good to be true, because it really was too good to be true.
Nick Griffin Endorses Corbyn” gurgled the Fawkes minions happily, after seeing that the former BNP leader had Tweeted “IF he sticks to his guns then for 1st time in my life I will vote #Labour”. That Griffin had cited a Daily Mail article, with its typically slanted journalism  and distinctly anti-Labour stance, did not raise any suspicion. All they needed to do was to cobble up a post, insert a screen shot, and sneer “With friends like these …”.
You got conned by that? From me? Shine a light!

Fawkes teaboy Alex “Billy Liar” Wickham was in his element: after Tweeting out the post with the comment “are we the baddies?”, he signalled that his potty time was overdue, frothing “In the last six hours the Israeli Labor Party cut ties with UK Labour Party, who in turn won the endorsement of Nick Griffin, while the Shadow International Trade Secretary said his party's Brexit policy is ‘bollocks’ but he fully supports it. They don't half spoil us”.
Some outside the Fawkes cabal were taken in by this apparent endorsement of Corbyn, not least Iain Dale, who suggested he would discuss the matter on his LBC show. “So on the day that Jeremy Corbyn gains the support of Nick Griffin, he loses the support of the Isaeli Labour Party. We'll be discussing this at 4pm on @LBC. A bit difficult for the usual suspects to maintain a line of 'move along, nothing to see', I'd have thought”.
Neither Fawkes nor Dale has reported Griffin’s reaction, so I will. “Another … rises to the bait! This is one of the Guardian's regulars, but the story of me 'endorsing' #JeremyCorbyn for his sensible stance on #Syria & refusal to be bullied into supporting the (((proposed war))) also ran in the New Statesman, Mail, the Independent, Spectator etc etc”. So that’s “endorsing” in quotes, then? And there’s more.
Even got the Sun to reproduce a tweet of mine with a the link to a great anti-globalist article by the brilliant pro-Russian blogger TheSaker … Of them all, though, only hit the nail near the head … The way the #fakenews MSM used my 'endorsement' as a stick with which to beat #Corbyn and to try to enforce a cross-party three-line whip for the War Party tells us far more about them than either Corbyn or me”.
That would be the same Evolve Politics that the Fawkes rabble went after yesterday, sneering “Yesterday: Evolve Politics editor Matt Turner writes an article for The Times demanding his … site is taken seriously … Today: Evolve Politics post a tweet suggesting BBC political correspondent Iain Watson is somehow behind the Labour moderate site Red Roar”. EP had done no such thing, of course. And they had Griffin figured out.
The Great Guido - so useless that he got hoaxed by Nick Griffin. Another fine mess.

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