Sun’s Sadiq Khan Dog Whistle

The Murdoch goons at the Super Soaraway Currant Bun have decided to broaden their attack on the Labour Party today by publishing a highly creative attack on London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan, under the title “MURDER CAPITAL Sadiq Khan faces calls to resign over London’s spiralling murder rate after another teenager gunned down overnight”.
Sadly, the big names mustered in support of this cause were only big in the eyes of the Murdoch mafiosi. “As the killings have escalated in recent weeks to such an extent the situation is worse in the capital than in New York, it has led to celebs like Piers Morgan asking Mr Khan: ‘What are you going to do about it?’”.
This is who is (still) editing the Sun ...

But Morgan, an appallingly immodest man with much to be modest about, has no room to talk about policing, being unable to even police his own North and South. As to the calls for Khan to resign, that is where the Sun really comes unstuck, not least the “One Twitter user [who] raged: ‘Resign Khan we don't need weak people.’
... and this is who he is now trying to emulate

That Tweeter has recently endorsed Anne Marie Waters, Leave EU, For Britain, Breitbart, and the Football Lads Alliance. A more nailed-on convocation of Islamophobia would be hard to find. And the Sun uses it to attack Sadiq Khan. Another of those quoted is a Tory who claimed that Theresa May’s disastrous Conference speech was a triumph.
Oh, and UKIP is quoted - the political irrelevance now presided over by Adolf von Batten, the bigot who was suspended from Twitter for calling Islam a “death cult”. But it was the sewer of comments under the article that showed the Murdoch press’ true intent.
Filthy Muslim only interested in his own mob. Hed [sic] rather the police sit on computers, arresting anyone who says something about his terrorist cult than keeping the streets safe” … “Khan wont do anything that proves this violence is caused by Eastern EU gangs or blacks” … “Little moos lem [sic] man should've never been put their [sic] in the first place with his small feet trying to fill big boots”. And there was more. A lot more.
Muslim fraud like keith vaz” [Vaz is a Catholic, but hey ho, they’re all brown, eh?] … “Leave them to cleanse themselves” [“Dirty Muslim” dog whistle - check!] … “What was that letter some thing muslim” … “Never going to happen, he's a Muslim and Muslim postal fraud got him in” … “Well that is what happens when you elect a mayor who believes that terrorism is normal” … “Well as Muslims are behind 99% of it he would”.
The racist bigotry just went on and on. “Londoners should hang their heads in shame for voting in that slug as mayor. SHAME ON YOU” … “Foreigners voting for their own kind” [Khan was born in London] … “Postal votes which came via the mosques”.
Nobody from any serious mainstream party has called for Khan’s resignation. The only ones doing so are the racist bigots who think brown and black people are dirty and foreign. And that is the audience to which the Sun is very deliberately speaking - remember, those comments have been (supposedly) moderated. And it’s still a sewer of hatred and bigotry.

As its daily sale plummets below 1.5 million, the Sun goes back to its 1980s nastiest in a desperate attempt to score a few more copies. But the world has moved on. Sad, really.

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