Australia: Government sells ACT Ahmadiyya Muslims Narrabundah land for mosque

The president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association's ACT chapter, Khalid Syed, said the group would next contact architects to begin development application preparations.

Ahmadiyya Association of Australia ACT acting president Khalid Syed says the
Ahmadi community was "very happy" about the development. Photo: Jay Cronan
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | AU Desk
Source/Credit: The Canberra Times
By Stephen Jeffery | April 29, 2017

A vacant block behind the Narrabundah Ball Park could soon be home to the first permanent Ahmadi mosque in Canberra.

The city's Ahmadiyya Muslim community is one step closer to securing a custom-built mosque after the government offered the 4000 square metre block for their use.

The decision could mark the beginning of the end of the religious group's five-year search for a site on which to build a permanent place of worship, which was beset with arguments over the suitability of land in two other suburbs.

The president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association's ACT chapter, Khalid Syed, said the group would next contact architects to begin development application preparations.
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