UK: Islam Ahmadiyya makes large gains worldwide; over 609,000 new converts, 885 new branches

Individual Ahmadi Muslims, community representatives and many government officials from dozens of countries have traveled to the UK to join the international convention from all over the world.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: AT/TOA
By Staff Report | July 29, 20017

The Ahmadiyya Mulim Community is now spread across 210 countries of the world with Honduras as a new entry in the community.

The progress and improvements of the past year were presented by the Khalifa of Islam and the worldwide spiritual head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness, Hadhrat Mirzā Masroor Ahmad.

His Holiness was addressing a gathering of over 35,000 delegates on the second day of the UK's 51st Ahmadiyya Muslim Annual Convention, convened at Hadeeqatul Mahdi in the English countryside near Hampshire.

Individual Ahmadi Muslims, community representatives and many government officials from dozens of countries have traveled to the UK to join the international convention from all over the world.
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