From the customarily bullish manner, anyone observing the bluster of former UKIP Oberscheissenführer Nigel “Thirsty” Farage might think that all was well in the former head Kipper’s world. But despite today’s BBC-bashing braggadocio, nothing could be further from the truth. Nige may be OK providing he stays put in the UK, but across the North Atlantic, the news is bad, and getting a lot worse.
Squeaky impending extradition finger up the bum time
So keeping up the appearance of normality is paramount, and to this end Mr Thirsty has been to New Broadcasting House ostensibly to register a complaint, but in reality to maintain the media profile of Himself Personally Now. As he’s not been invited on The Andy Marr Show (tm), Daily Politics, Newsnight or especially Question Time recently, he’s been forced to invent a supposed slight by the Beeb.
His hand-delivered letter to Director-General Lord Hall-Hall contained the ultimate pointless ultimatum: “If the BBC do not apologise for saying I have blood on my hands, I will stop paying the licence fee”. Sadly for Nige, the BBC has not made this claim, and so cannot apologise for it. Even the Murdoch Sun makes clear that a member of the public made the claim to reporter John Sweeney, who stressed that Farage denied it.
This did not stop Mr Thirsty taking out a king-sized onion and blubbering “Sweeney did make it clear that I denied this allegation, but the damage was done and this hugely irresponsible piece of journalism was aired, presumably after a BBC lawyer had seen it … Could there be any better example of BBC bias when it comes to Britain's democratically determined withdrawal from the EU?” The EU Done It. What a dickhead.
And what neither Farage, nor LBC, and nor the Sun are telling anyone is that this is a mere diversionary tactic: the real problem for Mr Thirsty is that events in the USA have been revealed to have taken a turn for the worse - well, for him, anyway. Nige’s connection to Russia-friendly folks in the USA is well known, particularly Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, and former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.
Now, CNN has revealed that “US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election … The government snooping continued into early this year, including a period when Manafort was known to talk to President Donald Trump”. He talked to Farage, too. But do go on.
The warrant under which this snooping was permitted “was part of the FBI's efforts to investigate ties between Trump campaign associates and suspected Russian operatives”. And get this: “The FBI interest in Manafort dates back at least to 2014, partly as an outgrowth of a US investigation of Viktor Yanukovych, the former Ukrainian president whose pro-Russian regime was ousted amid street protests”.
That’s doubly embarrassing for Farage: in March 2014, after the Ukranian uprising, he asserted that his pal Yanukovych was “a legitimate president”, and after peddling the theory that the EU was behind the protests, guess what he told anyone who would listen?
That’s right: “I repeat the charge: the EU has blood on its hands”. Could there be a better example of paranoia when it comes to Europhobes? It won’t wash, Nige - you’re in deep shit with the FBI and there’s no vacancy at the Ecuadorian embassy.
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