"With the world situation and stuff happening, we want to promote peace and answer people’s questions to get Islamophobia out of their heads."
Photo: Paula J. Owen / The Telegram |
Source/Credit: The Telegram
By Paula J. Owen | September 11, 2017
While holding a sign that read, “I am Muslim. Ask me anything,” friends Hazkeel Ahmer and Rayyan Q. Mehmud handed out educational leaflets to those who would take them as they passed by the 12-year-olds on Main Street’s sidewalk Saturday evening.
The boys are members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Youth Association, and they, along with other Ahmadiyya Muslim youth across the country, were trying to spread the message, they said, that they stand for peace.
Many who drove by on the busy downtown road waved and honked their horns in support of the boys and Rayyan’s father, youth association leader Furqan Q. Mehmud, who was standing across the street, also holding a sign, and wearing a shirt that read ”#MeetAMuslim.”
“Some people ignored us, but most are listening and talking to us,” Rayyan said. “There was one car that drove by with people who were laughing and called us terrorists and that made me sad, but mostly they are honking and giving us the thumbs up.”
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