Yesterday evening in the Commons, the Government was defeated on a Brexit Bill amendment which guaranteed Parliament a vote on the final deal worked out between Theresa May and her team, and the EU’s negotiators. The sovereignty of Parliament, a concept so beloved of those favouring departure from the EU, had prevailed. The result was achieved after eleven Tories voted against the Government. Others abstained.
Why the f*** shouldn't I f***ing well tell other c***s to do as I f***ing well say and not as I f***ing well do, you c***ing c***?!?!?
This was nothing more than ensuring that the will Parliament was supreme. But for those whose very being is focused on getting Brexit completed at all costs, this was treachery. And there is no-one more focused on bending Parliament to his will, and pursuing the UK’s departure from the EU, than the legendarily foul mouthed Paul Dacre, editor of the Daily Mail. For him, this was a traitorous act, for which there had to be suitable punishment.
Directing abuse at Tories is very bad ...
And so it came to pass that the Mail’s front page, which only the previous day had gone after the hated “Web Giants”, thundering “BRING THE WEB GIANTS TO HEEL” and claiming that “Facebook and Twitter helped fuel a tide of vile abuse against Tory General Election candidates”, launched, er, a tide of vile abuse at Tory General Election candidates. The denunciation was as long as it was loud.
“Just as the newly confident Tories inch ahead in the polls, 11 self-consumed malcontents pull the rug from under our EU negotiators, betray their leader, party and 17.4m Brexit voters and - most damning of all - increase the possibility of a Marxist in No 10 … PROUD OF YOURSELVES?” All eleven of the Tory rebels were pictured and named, thus guaranteeing a tide of hatred and abuse directed at them and their staff.
It was hateful. It was bullying. It was intolerance personified. There was no attempt to explain or understand the issues - like, once again, Parliament being sovereign. It was exactly as Nick Davies had told in Flat Earth News: “I know of nothing anywhere in the rest of the world’s media which matches the unmitigated spite of an attack from the Daily Mail”. What is worse on this occasion is the sheer hypocrisy of that attack.
As Russ Jackson observed when Tweeting out the Mail’s front page, “A few days ago @DailyMailUK accused @StopFundingHate of ‘bullying’ & being ‘a handful of zealots’ whose values ‘may very well be unpalatable to the values of millions’, adding that ‘behind this pious bluster lies an extraordinary hypocrisy’”. The Mail is not even a handful of zealots, but one embittered individual, filled with boiling rage against the real world.
The reality is that it took real bravery for those eleven rebels to do as they did, knowing that the likes of Dacre would respond as he has: Labour’s David Lammy reacted to that front page with “They certainly should be. Country over party and do not underestimate the bravery this took”, and Gary Lineker, who has found the range with his responses to the Mail and the hatred it directs at him, agreed. “They should be. Takes real patriotism to put the country before their own political party”. Real patriotism. Real courage.
While all that Paul Dacre can muster is real hypocrisy. No change there, then.
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