Hi Jim
I think it’s becoming evidential that the single biggest threat to our industry is the corporate takeover by multi-national conglomerates. Not surprisingly. the procurement of a self sufficient trade such as ours has a political underpinning. With that, we all face huge challenges if the Taxi trade is to survive.
There are many who believe that the trade is set for another 100 years, or there is a knight in shining armour going to sweep through and save us from the woes of a one-tier system. It’s just not the case .
The sooner we realise that unless we have foresight, and unless we can organise ourselves- and that includes owning our own technological platform- then those challenges will be insurmountable.
Gett has basically deregulated the taxi trade from the back door and no one is doing anything about it. MyTaxi is the same, except they’re having to court the trades affections until they take a hold on the market. Both have ambitions to be big players in logistics, and will have to transcend the Taxi trade in order to compete with companies like Uber.
At a time when the number of potential students taking up the Knowledge will not ensure enough drivers enter the profession, we all need to stop and check ourselves.
Now here’s the gig. The team at Taxiapp- like you said- don’t want to burden drivers at this time of year. We thought the hospital runs would combine a good deed with a bit of promotion to boot. It all makes good content after all, and black cabs get a big up. Also, the more people hear about us, the more they might download the app, or maybe more drivers will get on board.
One thing is for sure, without Taxiapp there will be no one to stand up to the corporate oligarchs. Our work and the trades future will lie in the hot little asset grabbing hands of shareholders. Bearing in mind that Taxiapp isn’t afforded the luxury of outside investment, it might be in the trades interest for drivers to employ a little discernment as opposed to the natural proclivity to discredit everything and anything at all times. Or at least see it for what it is. There is still an element within our industry that cling to attacking our own on public forums (claim it to be constructive criticism) believing that’s the best way forward
I guess there are those that think we are our worst enemies. Not me, I still hold the faith, as do you Jim.
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