Rome: Pope Francis Tells The Media To Stop Pushing 'Fake News'

"It is important that, methodically and with patience, criteria of judgment and information be offered so that the public is able to understand and discern, and is not stunned and disoriented"

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: Newsweek News
By Carlos Ballesteros | December 17, 2017

Pope Francis has warned journalists not to push sensationalized news stories that are incomplete, biased, or untruthful for the sake of quickness or profit.

"We must not fall prey to the 'sins of communication:' disinformation – that is, giving just one side of the argument – slander, which is sensationalistic, or defamation, looking for outdated and old things, and bringing them to light today; they are very grave sins, which damage the heart of the journalist and harm people," Francis told representatives from Catholic media outlets at a meeting in the Vatican on Saturday.

Francis went on celebrate the work of journalists as essential to democracies across the world and called on media outlets to deliver the world from misinformation.
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