The caller wanted to find out when it was allowed under Islamic law for a diabetic taking insulin to follow their doctor's advice to fast in the winter, when the days are shorter.
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: Nottingham Post
By Jamie Barlow | December 19, 2017
'If it is a non-Muslim doctor who is giving the advice, well their advice carries no weight'
A [Sunni] Muslim radio station has been slammed by regulator Ofcom after an Islamic scholar told a listener to ignore the advice of non-Muslim doctors.
The scholar, described on the phone-in programme as "the Mufti", said it was unacceptable for a diabetic to miss fasting days during Ramadan on the recommendation of a non-Muslim doctor.
Ofcom received a complaint about a show in which listeners were encouraged to seek advice from the scholar on Islam-related issues.
During the show an exchange took place with a listener seeking advice about fasting with diabetes.
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