The research found "night owls" had a 10% greater risk of dying than morning people. The study also found evening types also had higher risks for conditions such as diabetes or psychological disorders.
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: USA TODAY
By Brett Molina | April 12, 2018
Here's one big reason why being a morning person matters: Your risk of death may be lower.
A joint study by Northwestern University and the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom found "night owls" — people who prefer to stay up later — had a higher mortality rate than people who go to sleep early.
Researchers focused on more than 433,000 people between the ages of 38 and 73. They asked participants whether they were a morning or evening person, and to what degree (moderate or definite). The study then tracked deaths up to six and a half years later.
The research found "night owls" had a 10% greater risk of dying than morning people. The study also found evening types also had higher risks for conditions such as diabetes or psychological disorders.
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